DSP Linguistics Colloquium

3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Sept. 18, 2019

Come to our DSP Linguistics Colloquium (hosted by the Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Working Group) on September 18, 2019 in ML 210 and hear the following topics:

* Sociolinguistic Data Collection in the Venezuelan Diaspora in the Campinas region, Brazil by Marina Cárcamo García.  Marina is a second-year PhD student of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Arizona. She has many interests, including sociolinguistics, language contact and language attitudes. She has recently returned from fieldwork in the region of Campinas, Brazil.


* Perception of Unstressed Vowels by L2 Spanish Learners: Syllable Position, Orthography and Experience by Hadley Forst.  Hadley is a second-year PhD student of Hispanic Linguistics at the University of Arizona. Her main areas of interest include speech perception and production, phonetics, phonology, bilingualism, and language acquisition and teaching.

Snacks provided!

For information CONTACT: Isabella Calafate de Barros isabellacb@email.arizona.edu OR Jessica Tiegs jtiegs@email.arizona.edu