DSP Linguistics Colloquium

3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Oct. 9, 2019

Mobile Application Use in Technology-Enhanced DCTs by Catherine Rockey and Jessica Tiegs.

SALE hasta 70% dcto: Examining the context of language distribution in storefronts in Colombian malls by Lauren Souter.

Catherine Rockey
Hispanic Linguistics, University of Arizona
Catherine is a second-year PhD student of Hispanic Linguistics with a minor in SLAT (second-language acquisition and teaching). Her research interests are in L2 pragmatics and teacher agency and identity.

Jessica Tiegs
Hispanic Linguistics, University of Arizona
Jessica is a second-year PhD student of Hispanic Linguistics. She studies sociolinguistics and phonetics and is especially interested in speech reduction.

Lauren Souter
Hispanic Linguistics, University of Arizona
Lauren is a second-year master's student of Hispanic Linguistics. She is interested in the effects of multilingualism on speakers' language(s).

Snacks provided!

For information CONTACT: Isabella Calafate de Barros isabellacb@email.arizona.edu OR Jessica Tiegs jtiegs@email.arizona.edu