SPAN 150B1 - Latina/o Stories

This course introduces students to the nationally, linguistically, geographically, culturally, and ethnically diverse Latina/o experience in the United States through exploring Latina/o stories. Students will analyze a wide variety of cultural texts including short stories, poems, novels, films, and television in order to examine the transnational heritages embedded within the broad category encompassed by the term "Latina/o" and discuss how this heritage impacts Latina/o culture specifically and the United States in general today. These texts explore a wide-range of themes, from race relations to migrant identities to gender norms, in a variety of contexts including family, education, politics, and popular culture.

Grade Basis
Regular Grades
Course Attributes
General Ed (Begins 2022)
General Ed-Tiers (Before 2022)
General Education
Honors Course